1) Pianos can be very expensive so if you can't afford to buy one, Keyboards are an excellent alternative for beginers to save money.
2)Arrange for music lessons or buy a lesson book.
3)Practice every day for at least thirty minutes or more.
4)Take a new piece apart, by learning one or two measures at a time, and going over it again and again. The next day do the same thing with a few other measures, and then include the last measures and play them all, together.
5)Try not to repeat your mistakes.
6) Play pieces that you enjoy playing or pieces that you know well!
7)Never give up. If you get frustrated, step away from the piano for a few minutes until you are ready to play again.
8)The more you practice, the better you will perform.
9)Hand and body posture are very important.
10)Don't freak out when you can't play a measure .Just take a short break.
I hope you have found these tips helpful on how to play the piano.
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